{idea notebook} Upholstered Screen

What do you do when you can't find the perfect piece of art to fill a big space or create an interesting focal point? I am certain this question has crossed all of our minds more than once. For a do-it-yourself solution try upholstering a screen. It's natural triptych shape is ideal for composition; all you have to do is find a fabric that you love and choose a screen whose proportions and scale work with your wall area. A few pointers to remember: 1. Cut fabric with approximately 3-4 inches of overlap (play)- this will allow you to pull the fabric taught and staple securely to the back of the screen. 2. Iron or steam the fabric prior to affixing it to the frame to remove all wrinkles. 3. If your pattern features any horizontal or vertical images align them carefully using a level or T-Square. I love this idea!

*photography via decorating, room by Huff-Dewberry, LLC
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