Soup on Sunday: Chilled Mango and Cucumber

By Scottish standards we are having a heat wave this weekend. It was so nice to wakeup with the windows open and the smell of lilacs drifting into the bedroom this morning. In an effort to not heat up the kitchen, I thought I would concoct a chilled soup to serve with our grilled salmon this evening. I found this recipe on Epicurious, but added a few ingredients of my own. I plan to let it chill all day so that the flavors really have a chance to marry! Enjoy your Sunday.

2 mangoes, peeled and pitted
2 seedless cucumbers, peeled
½ vegetable stock
1-2 jalapeño, seeded and minced
3 tablespoons finely chopped red onion
3 tablespoons fresh lime juice, or to taste
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
Sea salt to taste
crème fraiche and chives to garnish (optional)

Finely chop 1 mango and 1 cucumber and set aside. Coarsely chop remaining mango and cucumber and purée with 1/2 cup vegetable stock in a blender until almost smooth. Transfer to a bowl and stir in finely chopped mango and cucumber, jalapeño, onion, lime juice and salt to taste. Refrigerate until cold (about 2 hours).

Just before serving, stir in cilantro and top with crème fraiche and chives.

Serves 4 as a starter

Beautiful photo by Romulo Yanes
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