Fiddlehead and Lemon Risotto

When I worked in the kitchen, risotto was always one of the dishes that would be made by the chef. Why? I am not sure, maybe because its a real hit or miss kind of dish.You don't want to over cook the rice, or under cook it for that matter. Either way I always wanted to try my hand at it.

You need to start with a good vegetable stock, which consists of mirepoix: onions, carrots, and celery. I like to include peppercorns, parsley stems, a half of a lemon and a bay leaf. I fill a large pot with water and add the vegetables. Bring to a boil, and simmer for a good hour or two.

For this risotto I blanched the fiddleheads, and gave a rough chop. Zested and juiced a lemon.
Next I finely diced 2 shallots and sauteed them in 2 tbsp of earth balance.
Poured in 1 1/2 cups of risotto, stirred it around to cover the rice in the buttery onions.
With my stock drained and simmering on the stove top, I ladled in about a cup of stock at a time, stirring constantly until it was all absorbed, do this until the rice is almost cooked, about 5-6 cups worth of stock.

Taste as you go.
Add the lemon zest and juice, the chopped fiddleheads, and about 1 cup of white wine.
Stir until almost all absorbed. You might need to add more stock, depending on how you like your risotto.
Finish with 1 tbsp spoon of earth balance. Season with sea salt and freshly ground pepper.

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