Meet Kathryn Ireland

The concept of nesting isn’t a new one, but it’s an idea that seems to have greater resonance these days. Creating a comfortable home, surrounded by the things we love, cushions the demands and challenges of daily life and insulates us from the outside world.

Kathryn M. Ireland, one of the world’s most influential interior and fabric designers, embodies a relaxed and casual European-influenced elegance. Her look has been described as inviting and family-friendly, with large doses of color and easy living glamor. Join her as she discusses her design philosophy and color sense and shares her aesthetic inspirations and unique sources from around the world. Having meet Kathryn last month, I can assure you this is an opportunity not to be missed!

November 11th
11am to 12 noon
Grizzel & Mann
351 Peachtree Hills Avenue
Suite 120
Atlanta, Georgia

November 12th
12 to 2pm
John Rosselli & Associates
Design Center of the Americas
1855 Griffin Road
Suite A-128
Dania, Florida
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