
Its been a bit of a whirl wind around my place the last little while, had family come and stay with us for a few days, friends for lunch and dinner, thanksgiving, birthdays and more. Needless to say I have been cooking a lot.Everything from tofurkey to birthday cake!

It's been fun but I get tired now & then and need a little rest. I am typing with the wood stove burning, drinking a cup of hot chai, as the little one sleeps on the couch next to me. I think about how time passes so quickly....how life passes so fast. It takes time to write recipes and go through tons of pictures, sometimes too much :P

It was the little ones birthday yesterday. The BIG 2! Pretty quiet celebration just the 4 of us and her best buddy and her mom. It was nice and chill. I made a big pot of carrot soup, a broccoli quiche, homemade chai tea and a birthday cake.

broccoli quiche

chai tea

birthday cake-for my little pumpkin

I try to make the cakes I grew up with, my mom always made my brother and I great ones (thanks mom). 
I am thankful for family and friends they make my life full and wonderful, and if it wasn't for them I would have no reason to cook!

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