A few months ago a girlfriend and I went to a workshop on beneficial bacteria. We learned about making kraut and kefir but the coolest part was the KOMBUCHA I was super intrigued by this alien looking thing in a huge glass jar.
The people that were hosting the workshop were really informative and gave us a taste of it. It had been brewed with ginger and lemon, it was fizzy and very tasty. I had seen the health drinks in the stores, but I have always been reluctant to buy one. Probably because they can be expensive.
So what is Kombucha? Its a is a fermented beverage made of tea and bacteria cultures. Suppose to have healing properties? I have read a bit about it and decided that it sounded neat and was something I wanted to try.
So I have been on the look out for a baby since. Now when I say "baby"....if you are lucky enough to know someone whom has kept theirs happy, it will grow another one. You are suppose to give it away, to keep the cycle going. A friend of a friend has been successful with theirs and asked if I wanted one. Ummm...YEAH!
This afternoon my friend came over with a SCOBY ( Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast ) for me! I had to Google what to do with it. Apparently you brew some sweet tea, and let it cool, pour the baby in a big glass jar let it sit for 20 or so days drain and drink.
I am excited to see what happens. Have you ever tried growing you own kombucha? If you have what are your experiences with it?