Over the weekend my husband and I had the privilege of spending time with Toma Haines and her husband (a.k.a
The Antiques Diva and The Wine Guy) in their beautiful Berlin apartment. On Saturday Toma sat down with me to record the second All the Best Podcast. She shares her fascinating stories of moving from rural Oklahoma to Europe and staring a business abroad.
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Toma Haines peddling through Europe

The Antiques Diva's home office is a great mix of antiques and modern pieces

We were treated to a seven course dinner prepared by Toma
Hor D'oeuvres included: Herbed Olives with South African Pepperdew; German Caviar with Blini, Crème Fraîche and boiled Quail Eggs; Grilled Crostini with red Tapenade and Bruschetta with Gorgonzola and Sundried Tomatoes

The beautifully laid table was visual feast complete with Toma's own antiques and cutlery