Moving along.....

I have been consumed with painting, packing and moving this last week, which really sucks because I have not had time to take photos of the food I have been making or for that matter making anything that is blog worthy.

Moving isn't fun, I really hate packing and realizing that I can live without everything I own. ( except the dishes my daughter & me hand painted when she was 5, my most treasured possession).
We had a grunge sale today, and had 10 customers! 10!! Yes, that's all folks. I guess that is what happens when you live on a gravel road up a huge hill in a very unpopulated place. We made a whole whopping ten dollars! haha.

I am not a pack rat  nick-nack person, but it feels like I acquire things that have no meaning and no purpose in my life. Its good to purge, it makes me feel lighter. Like the weight of my belongings is dragging me down.
We have never stayed in one place for very long, and because of that I seem to let things go very easy. (probably because it won't fit in the car)

Love and happiness is all that I need.

 my love & happiness

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