Tobi Fairley

I have just returned from a wonderful visit to Little Rock. I have so much to share with all of you, but unfortunately it will have to wait until next week. I am working on a very exciting new collaboration (details coming soon) and I need to take a blogging break this week. In the meantime, I thought that I would leave you with some photos of Tobi Fairley’s beautiful design firm. I know that many of you are fans of Tobi and her wonderful blog.

I had the pleasure of spending the weekend with Tobi as a houseguest. Not only is she a great girlfriend, she is a gracious hostess. We sat around in our pajamas late into the night drinking wine, chit chatting and talking blogs and business. Tobi’s unique combination of degrees in interior design, accounting and an MBA gives her a unique perspective, not to mention that she willing shares and encourages ideas. Thanks for a great weekend Tobi!

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