The Simple Solutions

I have two lingering issues with my house. One, my kitchen needs a remodel but it is such a huge investment that I haven't wanted to commit to it quite yet and two, the blinds in my bay window are a constant source of timeouts for my tenacious, two year old. While working today I had a light-bulb moment when stumbling on an article from my favorite blog decor8. The topic was window film... ah ha! This could be the clever solution to tide us over until shutters won't trap little fingers. I was thrilled at the thought. Then with further exploration of the retail site 2jane which sells these films I discovered another problem solving product...tile tattoos! Much like my adored wall decals these are adhesive stickers that are affordable (1), waterproof (2) and cute (3) made to jazz up our mundane tile! What a perfect solution for kitchen and bath makeovers without the mess. I love it!

*photographs via 2jane
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