Keep Calm and Carry On

There is an interesting article in the Telegraph today about the iconic reproduction Keep Calm and Carry On wartime poster. The discovery of a long-forgotten poster has proved a profitable find for Stuart Manley, a second-hand book dealer. As evidenced by its ubiquitous presence in the shelter magazines. Mr Manley found an original World War II propaganda poster folded in a box of books he bought at auction in 2000. He showed the poster to his wife, who also thought it to be quite wonderful.

A total of 2.5 million red and white posters were originally printed but never officially issued. The only other known copy is in the Imperial War Museum. The poster was produced by the Ministry of Information to influence public opinion during the war.

Mr Manley framed the poster and proudly displayed the rare find in his bookshop. Soon he was inundated with customers desperate to have a copy. “I love the Britishness of it and think it’s just lovely. It resonant with modern life.” You can get your own copy on the Barter Books website.

My husband and I have decided that everyone in our family needs a copy of this poster as a gentle reminder - on many levels.

On a different note, I am taking a blogging break for 2 days in order to finish up the new feature that I mentioned yesterday and to start packing! Check back on February 19th.
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