Home Remodeling Ideas - Lagoons

The wish of the customer the Modern interior, any "classics", is desirable with a spacious bathroom, wardrobe, the separate workplace, an open lay-out (a hall, a drawing room, kitchen), the big aquarium and TV presence in each premise of apartment, even in a bathroom.

Home Remodeling Ideas - Lagoons

Home remodeling ideas: iIn the plan the apartment has a correct squared shape, unique bearing elements are the basic columns, all other inter room partitions have been cleaned. 

The small hall, drawing room and kitchen have formed the uniform space divided from a hall by a partition with the built in aquarium, and from kitchen — a bar counter.
Bathroom remodeling ideas - Lagoons

Bathroom remodeling ideas: the bathroom at the expense of association with a corridor, became much more, has contained not only traditional bathing, but also a shower cabin, washing. The floor in kitchen, a hall and a bathroom is equipped by electric system "heat-insulated floor".

The sleeping room after re-planning is equipped wardrobe in this connection necessity for additional systems of storage for the room has disappeared.

The stylistic decision the Interior of a hall-drawing room of kitchen is executed in the pistachio tones, all case furniture, except for the kitchen, has correct squared shapes and mainly from light breeds of a tree. Correct squared shapes are looked through and in the sanitary technician for a bathroom which is executed in cool blue tones. 
Bedroom remodeling ideas - Lagoons

Bedroom remodeling ideas: the bedroom interior is eclectic, combines notes of the east simultaneously, is solved in warm beige tones. The children's room has been deprived any delicacy in re-planning, remains to the most spacious, the sated dark blue color slightly diluted green and beige.
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